
Seriously Talented

While working at Serious International Music Producers (2002 - 2017), Martel Ollerenshaw masterminded the suite of acclaimed formal talent development schemes under the banner of Seriously Talented for creative musicians in the UK and Europe. Nurturing over 200 artists since 2004, these schemes include Take Five UK, Take Five Switzerland & South Africa, Take Five Europe, Air Time and Move On Up. Juggling a large number of delivery partners while raising the private and public funding to underpin the schemes, her expertise in the growth of this suite of programmes and the long-term impact on the participating artists has been widely recognised.

‘…it’s just so true that you have been the very essence of these programmes and their success...’ – Shonagh Manson, former Director of Jerwood Charitable Foundation


Milestones | Artist Development


Nordic-Baltic Mentoring Programme | Consultancy